Velocitylab #2: The Revival
26 pages / $4
I stumbled across Velocitylab while browsing on etsy &
editor Johnny Tsokos graciously mailed a review copy. Velocitylab #2 is boldly
refreshing & unabashedly retro at the same time, creating a continuous wave
/ loop in time – it’s like reading a zine from 1980 in 2012. Old guys like me
appreciate that. Imagine a world where
vinyl records matter, songs matter, local music & gigs matter, creative
process matters & flesh and blood wins out over virtual social networking.
Velocitylab #2 celebrates that world – the one we are creating and recreating.
This issue starts out with a compelling intro (This is Not a Review, This is a
Revival) & quickly launches into discussing “shit that still matters”.
Juxtaposed between interviews with musicians (Kristin
Thomson, The Axe & The Oak, Sirs) is some incredibly vivid fiction written
by the editor. A few things I could have lived without, like some of the
graphic sketches, but that’s simply a matter of personal taste. I have
intentionally not visited the zine website, happy to enjoy Velocitylab
in its paper incarnation. Variety zines are alive & well. Welcome to the