Basic Paper Airplane
36 pages / half letter / $3
The year has barely begun & already I have read a zine
that reminds me of why I love the format of zines, the discovery and senses that
they awaken. Joshua James Amberson’s writing draws the reader through the fog
of memories into the clarity of internal contemplation. Most of these vignettes
are deeply personal – about the intensity of childhood, the veil lifted from
relationships, the mythologies and meanings we construct every day. Some of my
favorite pieces in Basic Paper Airplane
#6 center around historical figures and Joshua’s glimpses into their
biographies: Gertrude Stein, Edward Muybridge, Orville and Wilbur Wright – all
pioneers with vision and fortitude.
All of the ingredients in Basic Paper Airplane #6 flow perfectly together – graphics,
concepts, wordcraft. One read-through captures the mood, and the next starts
revealing intricate details and emotional nuances. This is a work of art & literature
to be revisited. Often.