Sunday, March 30, 2014

Some Publications Received March 2014

Publications Received

Show Me The Money #39
Tony Hunnicutt
PO Box 48161
Minneapolis MN 55448

Contrary to conventional wisdom, I love judging a book (or a zine) by its cover. The cover of Show Me the Money #9 had me smiling from ear to ear. The cover itself, with messages in artful fonts writing against pink card stock, should be made into a poster. It reads, in part:

Anarchy is NOT chaos
Anarchy is NOT lawlessness
Anarchy IS based upon the principle of SELF-OWNERSHIP.
Anarchists are PEACEFUL people who reject initiated aggression against anyone WITHOUT EXCEPTION.

According to the mainstream media, anarchists are Molotov cocktail throwing terrorists. WRONG.

Tony Hunnicutt reports the news that mainstream media does not want you to hear. It’s not just that they are being lazy, or are too busy covering Miley Cyrus’ latest bout of optional clothing syndrome. Nope – they truly do NOT want you to know why the postal service is failing, that 30 million bees have been found dead in Canada, that the majority of rivers in the United States can not support aquatic life, how many jobs were lost and where, or what the Federal Reserve is up to in terms of economic manipulation. Zines like this are indispensible because you can’t make this shit up, and corporate controlled media won’t bring it to your attention.

Opuntia #273
Dale Spiers
Box 6830 Calgary Alberta
T2P 2E7

It’s a sad day in zinedom. This is Dale’s last paper issue of Opuntia. Due to postal increases and other reasons, Dale (who has been a major supporter of the papernet) is taking Opuntia online-only via Opuntia has been published since 1991 on paper only and has been a consistently excellent source of information and book reviews covering numerous scholarly and science fiction topics. This is a huge loss and I’m at a loss for words. I REFUSE to take my zines online where they are at the whim of isp providers and easy digital manipulation or deletion. Dale – don’t do it! Stay with us out here on the postal plains & fight the good fight. 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Zine Review: Cheer the Eff Up #6

Cheer the Eff Up #6
PO Box 633
Chicago IL 60690
5.5 X 8.5  / 58 pages  / $3

This iteration of Cheer the Eff Up opens with Jonas’ truthful, emotional soul searching spilling onto the page in the aftermath of his wife’s miscarriage. Rarely do I read writing that is this raw – with all of the impact of pain and its implications – revealed in a zine. Cheer the Eff Up is also about hope and healing. About a quarter of the way through the focus shifts to Jonas’ complicated history with his friends and their inevitable drifting apart. Supposedly this is the final zine in this series. I highly recommended reading each one.