Monday, January 21, 2019

Foliage // Andrew Younker: The Split Cassette

This is the real deal - shimmering shoegaze guitar, scintillating keyboards, melodic echo from the left hemisphere of your consciousness. Beautiful songwriting, craft honed from a bygone age, perhaps the previous century. Timeless and current, six pieces for your autumnal wintry summerish commute. All too brief, like all things ephemeral and gorgeous.

Side A:
Forever - (Manuel Joseph Walker) 
Be Transparent - (Manuel Joseph Walker) 
Nervous To Exist Around You - (Cover by Manuel Joseph Walker, 
Written by Andrew Younker) 

Side B:

Thankful - (Andrew Younker) 
Unhook The Stars - (Andrew Younker) 
Value - (Cover by Andrew Younker, Written by Manuel Joseph Walker)

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