What is missing from so many mainstream and even so-called “alternative” publications? Passion. When writers, editors and artists radiate passion for their topic, it glows through every word, every square inch of paper. Drop Target issue number one exudes enthusiasm in spades for … pinball! There’s an incredible range of articles in issue number one alone, and the authors, Jon Chad & Alec Longstreth promise that six more issues in the works! First, they guide the reader into the anatomy of a pinball machine and how it all functions. There’s a lively interview with Brinda Coleman and Sam Soule who published the pinball fanzine multiball for many years. There are examples of dream machines. A hand-drawn autobiographical comic called From Zeroes to Heroes. And that’s just scratching the surface of Drop Target. These dudes live right up the highway from me in White River Junction VT and some day, I might have to venture forth and seek out Forest B’s Pool School to find the legendary Star Wars Episode One pinball machine ....
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