Thursday, February 2, 2012

Zine Review: Les Carnets de Rastapopoulos #8

Back in the day before the internet (some of us remember that far back & then some) people used to … write letters. Imagine that! Sometimes people would find pen-pals from all over the world with which to share stories, culture, and friendship using only the tools of paper and ink with the occasional photo or mixtape. Some people still embrace this method of correspondence even in the digital age (shocking!)

I’ve been fortunate these past few weeks to receive some surprisingly high quality zines. Robert sent me Les Carnets de Rastapopoulous #8 and I was instantly immersed in the world of rediscovering pen pals and the joys of letter writing as both communication and artform.

I won’t go into more detail other than to say this zine gets my highest recommendation for graphics, writing, content, and spirit. Write for your copy today!  Les Carnets de Rastopopoulos 2-7 Larch Street Ottawa, Ontario, K1R6W4 CANADA. 

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