Sunday, January 15, 2012

Zine Review: Cereal Boxes & Milk Crates ...

Cereal Boxes and Milk Crates Zine Libraries and Infoshops are NOW

I think this zine was written a few years ago, so the resources may be somewhat out of date, however the discussions about various incarnations of zine libraries and infoshops is obviously still relevant. I am a former public library trustee and can attest firsthand that the culture needs alternatives to typical public libraries, or perhaps public libraries need to embrace the zine / punk / comics / art / independent press and print culture. In a distracted, capitalist, technology oriented world, people desperately need places to unplug, unwind, connect with one another, and connect with resources and information they won’t easily find elsewhere. Every community needs a zine library or an info shop! Google and wikipedia are not the founts of all knowledge (and definitely not wisdom). Cereal Boxes and Milk Crates Zine Libraries and Infoshops are NOW is colorful, well designed and an enjoyable read.  

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