Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Mud Pie Sun: New Swing Mood Things / Two At Noon

Where to begin a review with a release that is this monumental? First released in May 1992, this cassette reflects both those times, the times before, and the times now. Contemplative yet astute lyrics, hazy folk shambles, one can almost visualize the psychedelic haze hovering over the recordings proceedings. The cumulative effect of these original songs is nothing less than stunning - every song lives within its own impeccable universe. Two cover songs are included as well (one by the Silly Pillows and one by the Jacobites). Musically I would rate Mud Pie Sun right up there with my favorite bands that recorded for Independent Project Records back in that era - just more acoustic / jangle oriented. If the DIY / indie ethic brings you joy, don't miss this.

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