Monday, April 23, 2012

Zine Review: Shape & Situate #3

Shape & Situate #3
Posters of Inspirational European Women
32 pages
Edited by Melanie Maddison
Available from msvaleriepark distro

The introduction to this exceptional zine states that the name Shape & Situate “is taken from a quote by writer & activist Amber Hollibaugh who when commenting on why we should write about our lives makes some salient points about documenting histories, believing that history is not static but is a living thing that we can know, use, transmit and learn from.” Shape & Situate is a mostly graphic zine highlighting posters by numerous artists that celebrate well known and obscure women past and present. I learned more by reading this zine that I did in years worth of so-called history classes. I had never heard of Margaret McMillan and her influence on childhood education, or mathematical genius Ada Lovelace, aviator Amy Johnson, or the brave Bryant & May matchwomen who fought for workers rights in 1888. Reading this zine is a process of discovery. Each mini-poster has its own unique style. Artists include Verity Hall, Julia Downes, Jo Harrison and many more. Shape & Situates gets this olde reviewer’s highest recommendation.

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