Saturday, September 8, 2012

Zine Review: A How To Guide on Starting a DIY Events Calender In Your Town

A How To Guide on Starting a DIY Events Calendar (in Your Town)

Very refreshing to discover a non-commercial independent resource that explains how to create an events calendar for house shows, bike rides, free meals, indie film showings & just about any other DIY activity you can imagine. In a more enlightened world, people in every city & town would publish a listings calendar. I personally appreciate having something tangible (on paper!) to keep close to refer to rather than endless searching on the interwebs. Starting and sustaining a DIY events calendar takes some motivation, a few kindred spirits to share the tasks, and access to a photocopier. Now read this zine & make it happen! Your community needs you.

A How To Guide on Starting a DIY Events Calendar (in Your Town) is available from Microcosm.

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